Mountain Resort Management

Lyndon CampusConcentration

This concentration will prepare you to work in all aspects of resort management, from on-the-mountain to back-of-the house positions. You’ll gain the knowledge and skills you need to work at resorts as you learn resort software technologies, environmental science, resort law, and risk management. Students choose from two tracks in the concentration–mountain operations and resort management–and complete practicums in their focus area.

Mountain Operations Track

You’ll learn about patrolling and maintaining trails and terrains, chair lift maintenance and operation, ski instructing and patrolling, snowmaking and grooming, snowmobile tour guiding, and outdoor emergency care. The curriculum will also prepare you for the growing demand for summer mountain operations, including ropes courses, hiking, zip lines, river tubing, and outdoor climbing.

Resort Management Track

You will learn to efficiently run services, including  lodging, night life and activities, concierge services, catering and events, entertainment, and dining. The curriculum includes courses in ecotourism and venue management, public relations, and program and event planning.

Whatever focus area you choose, hands-on learning supports classroom learning. Internships, expeditions, and jobs will give you the opportunity to apply your classroom learning to real-world situations.

A Growth Field with Career Possibilities 

Outdoor/adventure tourism job market trends show solid growth in the field, especially in outdoor recreation and working with young people. You can broaden your career options with our certifications in outdoor emergency care, CPR, and other in-demand specialties.

A Degree That Opens Doors

Outdoor education graduates of public colleges earn significantly more a decade after starting college than graduates of private colleges, according to  the Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership. You’ll have opportunities to advance toward greater earning potential as you gain experience and a solid theoretical foundation. Lyndon’s degree program and certifications as well as the strong leadership, technical, and communication skills you’ll gain as a student prepare you for career success. 

Hands-On Learning

As a student in the mountain recreation management program, you’ll gain a solid foundation in the principles of outdoor leadership and education through classroom study. But the heart of your education will be putting theory into practice. You’ll pursue intensives, internships, and in-the-field coursework that will give you the skills, perspective, and experience to stand out in the career marketplace and get your dream job. 

Lyndon Alumni Success

A degree in mountain recreation management will position you for the career lifestyle you’re looking for, whether you want the opportunity to travel and work in many places around the country and the world, or to settle down in the mountains of Vermont and help grow our state’s critical tourism industry. Here are just some of the places our alumni have gone on to. 

Available Certifications

  • Wilderness First Responder
  • CPR
  • Leave No Trace Master Educator
  • Outdoor Emergency Care
  • State of Vermont Lift Apprentice Level I
  • Certificates of Completion: