Hannah Grace Angolano
Jericho, VT
Bachelor of ScienceMathematics
Certificate of ProficiencySmall Business Management
“Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.” -Winnie The Pooh
Messages for Hannah
It seems like yesterday that we were putting you on the bus for your first day of kindergarten. Throughout the years we have seen you develop into a beautiful, smart and loving woman. We know it hasn’t always been easy but we’ve seen you work hard to accomplish your goals. We love you and cannot wait to see where this world takes you! -Mom and Dad
Congratulations, Hannah on receiving your hard earned degree. We couldn’t be more proud! Keep moving forward with determination, purpose and integrity and success will surely follow! We love you! -Gramps and Nana
Congratulations Hannah! We are so happy for you. Looking forward to see what you do in the future! We love you! -Julia and Andrew
Congratulations, Hannah!
Diplomas will be mailed in the next couple of months.
Tap on the diploma jacket.
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