Christine-Rae Switser
Orleans, VT
Bachelor of ArtsPsychology
If there’s one thing NVU Johnson taught me, no matter what academic level or background you come from, you can create the life you want. Looking back I never thought I would be getting a bachelors in Psychology, a minor in dance, three years of being an RA, and dance club Vice President. The friendships and support I’ve received will help me go forward in whatever future I decide. While the future is unknown, I know what to keep and strive for. Thank you friends, family, and staff at Johnson!
Messages for Christine-Rae
My dearest Christine Rae, (baby girl), so incredibly proud of you!!! You are so persistent, and go after your dreams no matter what! A soul with a genuine personality and heart that gives to everyone 100%. I am honored to have watched you grow into a mature, honest, and sincere woman that I admire!!! Congratulations on your graduation and all the obstacles and stumbling blocks that you have overcome. The world is yours now to enjoy and experience and have fun!!! I love you so much!!! Mom
Christine Rae, We are so very proud of all you have done to realize your dreams! From keeping at your studies, staying on the Dean’s List, paying your tuition, and fulfilling your passion of dance. Soon you will be completing your last semester at the Disney College Program! You are so caring, thoughtful, and kind, we are so proud to be your grandparents. We wish you all the happiness in whatever is to come, we will support you always. Love, Gramy and Gumpa
Christy, I’ve known you since freshman year of high school in dance class, we were both nervous but jokingly calmed each other down and I knew we were going to be best friends. You’ve grown so much throughout college, not with just yourself but, with your dancing. When you dance, your words and feelings are louder with every movement you take on that stage. Never stop achieving your goals and dreams. I love you girly and I’m so proud of you. Congratulations, Christy-Risky Love, Lexi-Texi
Congratulations, Christine-Rae!
Diplomas will be mailed in the next couple of months.
Tap on the diploma jacket.
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