Michelle Elizabeth Ward
Burlington, VT
Bachelor of ArtsPsychology
I wish I had the opportunity to earn this degree earlier in life, yet I'm thankful I at least got it now. It's never too late to attain attainable dreams. Thanks again NVU team!
Messages for Michelle
As we all have many challenges to overcome in life, it is with particular significance when our friends set goals and reach them. CONGRATULATIONS MICHELLE!
You are intellectually curious and inquisitive which is key to learning. You have worked hard. Congratulations Michelle, on a big accomplishment and stepping stone!
Our forever meowma says we are the world to her. Our purrs, massages, cuddles, company, love, and companionship kept her alive and kept her from failing in school!
Congratulations, Michelle!
Diplomas will be mailed in the next couple of months.
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