Meagan A. Cochran
Danville, VT
Master of ArtsEducation: Applied Behavioral Analysis
The road to this day has not always been easy. It has required dedication and focus to complete. The destination was worth every second. Thank you for the journey and to everyone!
Messages for Meagan
Meagan, Congratulations on all your academic achievements. I am extremely proud of the woman, wife, and mother you have become! Remember I will be here for you always! All my love, Dad
I am so proud of you that you will be that change for your family, your students and your community. Your success knows no bounds. All my love, Mom
I am the happiest and proudest husband. 180 characters cannot truly express how hard you've worked to reach this achievement. We're all looking forward to your future success! Riah
Congratulations, Meagan!
Diplomas will be mailed in the next couple of months.
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